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  • Birthday 10/10/1970

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  • Ime
  • Vozilo
    Passat B6

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    Imobilizator kljuca

    Nazovite u pon poslije 9 sati.. LP

    Imobilizator kljuca

    golf 6 gti dsg stajanje

    Modul kljuca b6
  6. Prodajem.. FVDI 2016 Full Version 18 Software OnLine , najnoviji software ver. 7.0 Diagnostic Tool+Odometer Correction+Key Programmer+ECU Programming+Airbag Reset LP

    EGR softwerski smanjit

    Nema potrebe skidati EGR niti stavljati pločicu, ako je rađen file u Winols u možete "odštekati konektor" sa EGR a a ako je isključivan EGR pomoću "software a u file u" u večini slučajeva konektor mora ostati zaštekan LP
  8. Također ako prilikom stavljanja ključa u "bravu-čitač" nemate kontakt, ne upale se lampice, (kao na video, )-kontaktirajte nas kao i ako trebate, -EGR ili DPF off -ako imate problem sa startom kad je zagrijan motor(teško pali -HOT START) Golf V, Audi A4, Jetta, Touran, Skoda -ako trebate Tuning LP

    EGR zamjenjen - i dalje greska

    Najbolje i najjeftinije software-ski maknuti-isključiti EGR, možete me kontaktirati ako niste riješili problem. Pozz!

    EGR softwerski smanjit

    Bok, Morate pročitati ori file sa jednim od flashera, npr Kess v2, X17 itd. nakon toga u file-u maknuti EGR ili DPF, ili napraviti Tuning (najbolji način je ručno u WinOls u, mada postoje i gotovi software pomoću kojih možete to učiniti), zatim pišete modificirani file ponovo u ECU. Ako niste sigurni što radite nemojte isprobavati jer možete uništiti ECU... Pozz!

    passat b6 skyline (donut) lights

    Tocno too, ali ne duboko da pilica ne osteti unutrasnjost lampe..
  12. Evo procitajte i provjerite, pa ako ne rijesite problem javite nam se na pm sa potpunim brojem mjenjaca, npr. 02E325025ADZ0D As I said some of the problems with the DQ250 Gearbox and the MEchatronic unit from this gearbox (DSG 02E) can be fixed. Most common problems are : Flashing PRNDS in the Dash and the gearbox will switch to neutral. Hard engaging of the 1st gear (slams into the first gear) from a stand still point. This can sometimes also be caused by a decallibration of the clutches so you might be able to "save the day" by performing a recalibration with a VCDS cable. Procedure can be found on Ross Tech website. Hard downshifting from 3 to 2 and 2 to 1st gear followed by some loud "clunk" noises. Shaking / juddering feeling while in 2nd , 3rd gear and the car pulls up. Jerking between gears Loss of power between 1300-2000 RPM. Car feels like it has no power. Some of the affected units are : 02E927770E 02E927770AE 02E927770AJ 02E927770L 02E927770G 02E325025AD 02E325025ADZ01 There are many other symptoms but here I described just a few of them. Change your DSG Oil and Oil Filter. When changing look for metal residues in the oil or the oil filter. MAKE sure you fill up the gearbox oil to the specified levels. Perform Basic Settings as described on Ross Tech website. Make sure you don't have any oil leaks from the gearbox and the oil is at the correct level. Check your ABS Sensors. Check if all 4 sensors read same speed while driving. (have another person driving with you and monitoring while driving, make a log file). ABS Sensor can be a pain when talking DSG Gearbox shifting. Change your fuel filter. Especially on diesel cars check the fuel filter and see if you don't have any oil in the filter. The high pressure vacuum pump tends to fail and mix oil into the diesel. Check your DMF (Dual Mass Flywheel). Take the Starter motor down (it's 2 screws) and check if you have any play.
  13. Ah, zamasnjak bih se cuo da lupka ili lupi kod paljenja ili trese na oko 2000 okretaja... Koja Vam je oznaka mjenjaca?

    passat b6 skyline (donut) lights

    Najbolje je skinuti staklo i nakon ugradnje led-ica ljepiti ga, mora biti prozirno ljepilo da se ne vidi na rubovima.. ja sam sebi ljepio namjerno crnim ljepilom da dobijem crni rub
  15. Jel trza kad kreces s mjesta naprijed i nazad?