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About Buxy

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  • Birthday 07/07/1990

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    Golf Mk3 1.4
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  1. Jedno pitanje za nekog ko zna... Dakle, da li postoji zadnji bubanj u četvorci, ili sve dolaze sa 4 diska? Hvala
  2. Sorry sto pitam na vw forumu...meni trebaju vrata bunkera za ford mondeo mk1, el imas mozda koji mondeo na otpadu??
  3. Neznam, možda i je tako...Ali znam da mi je kolega rekao da je posudio felge nekom liku koji vozi crnog seata, možda je to sam slučajnost!! Takve felge su bile na ovom audi-u... Sorry na off-u!!
  4. Znam Jerca, kolega... A recimo da i tebe znam (onako iz viđenja)!! Nekad se vidimo u parku ispred pošte!!
  5. E ja ti na ovo ne bi znao odg. jer nisam bio tamo!!
  6. Ove su felge s koleginog audi-a, mislim da su bile posuđene za ovaj vikend!! Odlično mu stoje, ipak su 19˝!!
  7. Buxy

    Slike: Golf Mk3

    Evo pošto sam relativno novi član, ne znam jesu bile slike ove trojke!! Trenutno mi se nije dalo prelistavat 23 stanice!! Ako su bile neka ih modovi zbrišu!! Meni osobno je prekrasna, baš po mom ukusu!!
  8. Buxy

    Skraćivanje hoda mjenjača

    Imam ja nešto o tome, možda pomogne.... That’s right, it’s possible to convert the stock shifter into a short shifter and best of all it is very low cost. The reverse lock out is maintained, however having to pull up on the shifter to put it into reverse is removed. The basic premise of any short shifter is a higher fulcrum point, to increase the throw ratio between the top and bottom of the stick shift. Pictured to the right is the stock shifter and housing. To create a short shifter two things need to be moved, the fulcrum on the stick shift and the mounting point on the housing. I’ll start by explaining how to modify the stick. With the stick completely remove cut off several inches of the black plastic reverse lockout that is around the shaft of the shifter. The fifth and sixth picture below show what needs to be removed. The fulcrum of the stock shifter is held in place by two metal circle pins, the bottom pin can be seen in picture 3. Remove both pins and slide the fulcrum towards the end of the stick, like in picture 4. A new groove now needs to be cut 30mm above the current top pin groove. The plan is for the bottom pin to go into the top pin slot and the top pin to go into the new slot. The new groove should be cut about 1 mm deep and 1.5 mm wide, but use you judgment and try to copy the existing grooves Picture 5 shows the stock stick and the finished modified shifter is shown in picture 2. The second part of the modification is a bit more difficult. The shifter housing needs to be modified so that the mounting point is 30 mm higher to accommodate for the 30 mm change in the shifter fulcrum. Using a Dremel tool I cut around the aluminum mounting point. The key is to leave the correct amount of metal on both sides to provide for a good mounting point for the metal plates. The shifter mounting point is then raised and rebolted on with metal plates and bolts. Picture 7 shows the mounting point completely removed, picture 8 is the finished short shifter. Pictures 9 and 10 are two more views of the raised mounting point. These instructions are only a general guide. You will have to make your own decision where to cut and how to best mount it. It took me over 2 hours just to cut out the shifter mounting point and I broke many cutting disks. The aluminum is soft but cutting out the mounting point is made difficult because of ribbed supporting inside the housing, which can be seen in picture 10. My calculations showed that the shifter throw was reduced by 38.5%. Upon installation it became apparent that this is very near the maximum that the stock housing would allow for. Any larger reduction in throw would cause the bottom on the shifter to rub against the housing. The difference in feel is amazing. Update - After a week of use I have come up with a few more tips for anyone who is going to do this modification. Raising the fulcrum 30 mm is the maximum possible. I had to remove the reverse lock out to make enough room for it to shift properly. I suggest raising the fulcrum 25 mm instead, and cutting two new grooves. This will make the whole process a lot easier and allow you keep the reverse lock out. Also use Lock Tight on the bolts to ensure none of them become loose.
  9. El mi se čini ili taj auto nije predstavljen u projektima?!? Sorry na off-u, ali kad me zainteresirao, jer vidim da je ubacen 1.8 T!!
  10. Tnx!! Marine, pa nije valjda?!?
  11. Buxy

    P: dijelovi corrado Vr6 ili G60

    Daj slike siceva i tapecirunga...i usputno pitanje, el se mogu pripasati na golf mk3 (troja vrata)?!? Tnx
  12. Buxy

    Novi server

    Predobro, baš odmara oči....sad mogu cijelu noch listat forum!! Svaka cast onome koji je radio na izgledu foruma, predobro izgleda!!
  13. Buxy

    Novi server

    Da ne otvaram poseban topic, pitat cu ovdje..dakle, zasto mi se broj postova ne miče sa nule, a sjecam se da sam par puta postao?!? To sam tek sad skuzio!! Edit: evo sad mi je poceo brojat postove!!