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Kralj je stigao RS5

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Under the hood, the Audi RS5 will be powered by a 4.2 Liter FSI V8 engine and will be coupled with a 7 speed S-tronic gearbox. The power plant will be upgraded from previous versions in order to produce a maximum output of 450 HP and will be more than enough to send the RS5 sprinting from 0 to 60 MPH in around 4.5 seconds. By combining the upgraded FSI engine with Audi’s patented Quattro all wheel drive technology the German automaker is about to release a very stylish high performance vehicle into the market that will easily compete with the likes of BMW’s boy racer M3 and even an AMG powered C63 from Mercedes Benz. So now that we know the RS5 is official, we can’t wait until Essen to see the finished product.

Edited by srki

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:palacd ocekivo sam nekog turbaka,v10 turbo,malo jaci od rs6, fu...n downsize...



al je mocan,bas je kralj....

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audi nikad nije pretjerivao, uvijek je bilo ono: Dosta da rješi konkurenciju! :D


ovo je zadnji v8, već se koristi u s5 V6 TFSI

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Hmm malo me je iznenadilo za motor slažem se da nedostaje neka puhalica ili dvije.......



sve ostalo :palacg

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Morali su ugradit V8 zbog M3... ali mislim da su to i posljednji primjerci osmaka, jer se svi okrecu turbu i biturbu!


Ovoo trosi ko sumanuto a danas svi zivi gledaju na potrosnju, pa i oni koji si takve aute mogu priustiti!

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ne troši ovo tako puno, ipak je FSI


a to morali, o tom po tom, jer je bmw išao na v8 zbog RS4b7, a ovime su dokazali da se još može dosta izvuć iz tog motora

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Savršeno. :respekt


Električni spojler za zadnjoj haubi je odlična ideja.


A unutrašnjost je za careve. :fakjea

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kad sam otvorio temu prvih pola sata sam izgledao ovako :eek nakon toga sljedecih sat vremena ovako :wow ... meni se ova kolica strašno sviđaju.. neznam šta mi je bolje unutrašnjost ili anjski izleda svaki detalj za sebe je usklađen... kad bi imao love nebi dvojio...

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jedva čekam See da ga vidim uživo, prehebem je!


ali, no turbo no fun :wacko:

Edited by Luka_R32

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ali, no turbo no fun :wacko:


Nadam se da ovo nije islo ovog RS5!

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Ovo me odma od jutra razveselilo, a i rastužilo. Takav auto ću imat ako krenem sad skupljat pa negdi do 50-te možda i nakupim :(


Ali sve u svemu, zmaj od auta. Audi quattro pogon i FSI motor, kaj drugo reć nego boomba

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Samo po meni fale puhalica(e):D ili kompresor

Edited by Car GTI

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