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Jučer mi se upalila poruka "inspekt service" na kilometraži 139.890 (Passat 1.6 Variant 1999. god)

Zanima me da li je to poziv na redovni servis s obzirom da auto održavam u servisnoj službi u mojoj firmi gdje se intervali ne resetiraju.

Ako je samo potrebno resetirati interval molio bih objašnjenje kako se to radi.

Inače auto radi ko urica!


Hvala svima!

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To ti je obavjest da ti je redovni servisni interval...


Kako se ponistava... Imas 2 tipke...

Desnu stisnes... das kontakt (nju nepustas za to vrijeme)

kad das kontakt pustit tu tipku a lijevu zakrenes u desno....

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Ovako se resetira servisni interval za passata 1998.god.

Mislim da je tako i kod tebe.



Before resetting. It is important to remember that this reminder is displayed because your car is due for a service..!

If you have not recently had the car serviced, or have not booked it in for one, then its a good idea to leave the reminder until you are sure the car is in good working order and does not need an inspection.

Neglect the engine in particular, and it will cost you far more than the price of a service.


1: With ignition off, press the trip reset button on the right under the odometer and hold.


2: Turn ignition on. Don't start engine. Release button.

You should now see "Service Oil" displayed.


3: Press button again. You should see "Service Insp", displayed.

By pressing the button once more it displays "Service Insp" again.


4: Now press and hold the button again with right hand whilst turning the other button "for adjusting the clock", to the right with the other hand.

The display should now change to Service ----.


5: Turn off ignition.

Your Service Inspection notice should now be reset.


If this is not the case then repeat 1-5 but hold the button down once "Service Oil" is displayed.



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