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Mario koji auto je u pitanju i koliko km imaš?nikakve zice ne diraj, ili novi dpf ili izvadit van i dat na ecu ugasit rad s dpf filterom..

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I mene je to jebalo kak s tim dpf om kak s njim kud al otides kod majstora koji zna provjeri ti zasicenost i onda ce ti rec sto napravit

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Sto se manje puta napuni do granice to ce trajniji biti... Auti vozeni po otvorenim cestama u pravilu duze im traju dpf-ovi

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Meni se auto dosta trese kada radi DPF regeneraciju, jel to ima veze s diznama?

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I meni trese, pisu ljudi na netu da je to normalno i na zapadu gde je gorivo kvaliretnije od naseg pa kontam da gorivo n7je problem. A i zaprljale su mi se jednom dizne, radio je motor kao traktor, nije hteo da prima gas kada ga stisnem do kraja, gusio se podosta.

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Mora se rad malo promjenit.... ipak regeneracija treba visoke temperature i s tim postizanjem motor ima svoj program rada pa je ona malo i bucniji od normale... a i pale se ventilatori na hadnjaku.....

Radih prisilno ciscenje dpf-a na 6ici 2.0tdi.... Nema tu filozofije.. vidi se zasicenost a i kad je zadnji put radjena regeneracija itd itd...

To s mrdanjem tamo nekih zica to su lovacke price... nije to golf 1 pa kad mu crkne el dizna na akrburatoru onda ju samo precvikas zavijes i teraj... :)

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Meni se auto dosta trese kada radi DPF regeneraciju, jel to ima veze s diznama?

Meni je tresao kod regeneracije prije promjene dizni tako da bi moglo bit...

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koliko sam primjetio svaki promjeni zvuk motora ukolko je regeneracija naknadnim ubrizgavanjem goriva,sto je kod vag grupe .

dizna ubrizgava vise samim time je glasniji rad i tresnja motora

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Da li ovaj garež može imat vezu s dpf-om? Koliko je opasno (ili ne) za motor i/ili dpf ako mi skoro na svakom paljenju auta drzi okretaje na 1000 jer pretpostavljam pokusava regeneraciju?


Preko tjedna su vecinom kratke relacije, sa vise pokretanja tijekom dana. Ne vozim ga lagano ali jasno nije ni u blokadi non stop.



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Regwneracija se ne obavlja u leru i na hladan motor..


Imaju tocni uvjeti koji trebaju bit postignuti za obavit regeneraciju, radna temperatura motora, odredjena kolicina goriva u rezervaru, odredjena temperatura dpf filtera, okretaji preko 2500 odredjeni period...

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Ne razumijem ovo "ne obavlja se u leru"? Pa nije da regeneracija stane svaki put kad je auto u leru, tijekom voznje..

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Regeneracija se prekine kada motor ode ispod odredjenih okretaja...

Barem na Bmw i Fordu a vjerujem da je tako na svima

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Ma nema sanse. Mislim da ti ne moram objasnjavati koliko puta je auto u leru u nekakvoj gradskoj guzvi a auto krene drkat s regeneracijom. Po tome bi auto 100x na relaciji od par km gradske voznje palio i gasio regeneraciju sto nema sanse.

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Ima više toga šta bi moglo biti. evo nekih iz mog iskustva...

Ako si radio nedavno veliki servis (zupčenje) i nije dobro stavlena faza, a možda ti je i otišao senzor diferencijalnog tlaka, a možda imaš i neku grešku pohranjenu u ecu motora, naime regeneracija se neće obavljati ako ima koja graška u motoru vezana za sustave punjenja,ubrizgavanja goriva, recirkulacije pinova.... Ali nebih trebao imati čađi na auspuhu, to treba biti čisto. Ne znam koliko km imaš na satu?!


A regeneracija se najbrže obavi pri konstantnoj vožnji u 5 st prenosa na obrtajima motora od 2000 do 2500, tad se postiže najveće temperatura ispušnih plinova u regenerativnom režimu rada motora, sve ispod i sve preko tih obrtaja usporava regeneraciju....

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Netocne informacije!

Okretaji su uvjetovani na 1600,ako regeneracija prethodno nije zavrsena,onda nemora biti radna temp motora(pretpostavka jer moj ju pocme radit nakon min do dve voznje na hladno)okretaji su na 1050 na leru i rade ventilatori.Regeneraciju mi radi u prosjeku svakih 400-600km


Ne prekida regeneraciju u leru,masu puta sam ga ostavljao da u leru dovrsi sto ima te onda zgasio auto


Po kojoj logici bi auspuh trebao biti cist,nemoze cađa ishlapit,mora izac na auspuh?


Ima jos dva uvjeta kada podize okretaje na leru,kad se grijanje okrene na najjace(isprobajte) i kad se nakon paljenja odma nafrlji klima.U tim uvjetima su okretaji 950 i ne rade ventilatori

Edited by rade007

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Ima više toga šta bi moglo biti. evo nekih iz mog iskustva...

Ako si radio nedavno veliki servis (zupčenje) i nije dobro stavlena faza, a možda ti je i otišao senzor diferencijalnog tlaka, a možda imaš i neku grešku pohranjenu u ecu motora, naime regeneracija se neće obavljati ako ima koja graška u motoru vezana za sustave punjenja,ubrizgavanja goriva, recirkulacije pinova.... Ali nebih trebao imati čađi na auspuhu, to treba biti čisto. Ne znam koliko km imaš na satu?!


A regeneracija se najbrže obavi pri konstantnoj vožnji u 5 st prenosa na obrtajima motora od 2000 do 2500, tad se postiže najveće temperatura ispušnih plinova u regenerativnom režimu rada motora, sve ispod i sve preko tih obrtaja usporava regeneraciju....


Nisam radio takav servis (prije 3-4 tis je bio regularni, mali servis).


Auto je jucer spojen na vcds i ne baca nikakve greške.


Bio sam na remapiranju kao sto sam napisao i od tada se to događa. Tako da mi zapravo nije toliko pitanje zasto (jer je ocigledno povezano) nego da li to ima negativnog utjecaja na motor i dpf. Jer ako ima, onda moram to sto prije rijesiti.

@Rade - tako je, i moj identicno radi. Izadjem iz garaze, auto je hladan, nakon par sto m digne okretaje i drka. Obzirom da do posla imam samo 6-7 km, ugasim ga a on i dalje vrti ventilator.


I tako par sljedecih paljenja, osim ako ne odem na zaobilaznicu i stisnem ga kao da sam ga ukrao, onda se valjda pocisti.

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Evo, kao sta sam i rekao, nece se pokrenut u gradu i pod tocnim uvjetima, a ispod 60 km/h se odmah prekida....






Courtesy of David Bodily Volkswagen Technical Support Specialist


Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)


Detailed below is important information outlining the function and features of the Diesel Particulate filter which all members of your team need to be aware of.


Diesel particulate filters are becoming more commonplace on diesel engines, particularly sizes 2.0L upwards. This is in order to reduce the exhaust emissions as required by European legislation.


The prime reason for a DPF is to reduce particulate matter entering the atmosphere. Particulate matter is found in the form of soot, which is produced during diesel combustion. The DPF traps most of the soot which would normally travel down the exhaust and into the atmosphere. The DPF can hold a certain amount of soot, but not a huge quantity and therefore it needs to go through a process called ‘regeneration’ in order to clear the soot loading. When the soot goes through a ‘regeneration’ process it will be converted to a much smaller amount of ash. The ash is non-removable. There are two types of ‘regeneration’, passive and active.


During long motorway journeys, passive regeneration will occur. This needs no intervention from the engine control unit. Due to the raised exhaust temperatures on a long journey (temperatures between 350 and 500°C), the procedure occurs slowly and continuously across the catalytic-coated (with platinum) DPF. The catalytic-coated DPF is situated close to the Engine, therefore the exhaust gas temperature is high enough (500°C) to ignite the soot particles. Due to this soot is burned-off and is converted into a smaller amount of ash.


Active ‘regeneration’ is when the ECU intervenes when the soot loading in the DPF is calculated to be 45%. The procedure lasts for about 5 – 10 minutes. Specific measures are taken by the ECU to raise the engine exhaust temperature to above 600°C, these include switching off the exhaust gas recirculation and increasing the fuel injection period to include a small injection after the main injection. The soot particles are oxidised at this temperature.


The ECU will trigger a regeneration process, if for some reason this is aborted, ie. customer slows down, stops etc, the process will be resumed when regeneration conditions are once again met, above 60km/h (38mph). This will continue for 15 minutes.


If after 2 attempts of 15 minutes, a successful regeneration has not been possible, the loading will increase. At 50% soot loading, the ECU will continue to maintain maximum exhaust temperatures of 600°C to 650°C to cause a regeneration process. The system will try to run a regeneration process for 15 minutes. If unsuccessful, the system will repeat this process for a further 15 minutes, if still unsuccessful, the DPF light on the driver display panel will then be lit.


The owners handbook states, the DPF symbol lights up to indicate that the diesel particulate filter has become obstructed with soot due to frequent short trips. When the warning lamp comes on, the driver should drive at a constant speed of at least 60 km/h for about 10 minutes. As a result of the increase in temperature the soot in the filter will be burned off. If the DPF symbol does not go out, the driver should contact an authorised Volkswagen repairer and have the fault rectified.


At 55% soot loading the DPF light is lit on driver display panel. At this point the customer should follow the advice in the handbook. If they ignore this information and continue driving the vehicle until the soot loading reaches 75% without successful regeneration, additional warning lamps will light up. At this point the customer will also be complaining of lack of power, etc.


At 75%, regeneration is still possible with the use of the VAS tester. Only when the loading is above 95%, is it necessary to replace the DPF unit.


Operating Status System Response


45% DPF Load Level 1

Normal Regeneration


50% DPF Load Level 2

Regeneration at maximum exhaust temperatures


55% DPF Load DPF lamp

Regeneration from 60 km/h onwards

("See operating manual")


75% DPF Load DPF, SYS and MI lamp

Torque limitation, EGR deactivation,


Regeneration via VAG tester only

95% DPF Load Replace the DPF Unit


The Warranty department has confirmed that if there is no fault on the vehicle and DPF regeneration has been unsuccessful due to the customers driving style and the customers failure to comply with the instructions in the handbook, DPF replacement will not be paid for by warranty.


Common causes for complaint


• Frequent short journeys – Regeneration conditions are not met.

Not recommended for sale in the Channel Islands and inner city driving.


• Customers who continue to drive the vehicle with DPF light on – Continued

driving with the DPF light on and without successful regeneration results in

excessive soot loading of the DPF, to a point where it is above 95% loaded.

At this point regeneration is not an option and replacement of the DPF is



• Fault 18434 particle filter bank 1 malfunction – Common fault code. This does

not only relate to the DPF itself, but the entire exhaust gas handling system. This

can be caused by defective temperature sensors, pressure sensors, additive

system components (if applicable), poor connections, wiring issues, etc.


Important Information


• Before diagnosing a problem vehicle or attempting to perform an emergency

regeneration, it is important to obtain a full diagnostic log and read out relevant

measured value blocks. These MVB’s contain important information on the

condition of the DPF system and are essential in diagnosing the fault. When the

DPF light is illuminated, it does not necessarily mean that the DPF requires

regeneration. For further advice, please contact Technical Support with the

information from the diagnostic log and MVB data.


• If a problem vehicle arrives with the DPF light, the engine management light and

the emissions light on. If during your diagnosis and reading of relevant MVB’s,

you find that the soot loading exceeds 75% (but is still below 95%), an

emergency regeneration procedure must be performed with the VAS tester.

Further to this, the customer needs to be educated. They need to understand

why the lights have appeared on the dash panel. Their attention needs to be

brought to the owners handbook instructions, so that they are aware of what the

DPF light means and what to do when it appears. This should prevent

unnecessary repeat visits for regeneration purposes.


I have also found that as the car gets older 30K+ miles, you will notice that the regeneration takes place more often.


ALWAYS, check your oil before any long journey, as DPF regeneration can use a fair bit of oil.




Some questions and answers that may help;


Question: The glow plug symbol is flashing. Why? What should be done?



Answer: The DPF regeneration has not been completed during normal

driving and now DPF has reached its maximum saturation at which it can

still be regenerated. The limit value depends on variant and Model Year,

but is in the range of 105% - 125%.Possible causes for this are:



a.) Frequent short distance journeys, i.e. high soot loading while at

the same time regeneration of the DPF does not take place because the

conditions necessary were not fulfilled.


b.) Frequent

interrupted regenerations, i.e. the engine was switched off during

regeneration. Applies to short journey drivers who have at least

fulfilled the conditions for triggering regeneration. If the glow plug

light flashes, the vehicle


a.) Engine running since start for

longer than 2 minutes.

b.) Calculated saturation higher than 80%.


c.) Coolant temperature over 70°C for at least 2 minutes.

d.) No

DPF-relevant faults stored in system.

e.) A defined vehicle speed

threshold must have been exceeded (e.g. for >80% loading, 100 km/h)




Question: Under what conditions is regeneration

interrupted/ended once it has started?


Answer: Normally when

regeneration has been successfully completed, or:


a.) After a

maximum regeneration time (20 - 25 min.).

b.) If the engine is

switched off or has stalled.

c.) If the engine is left idling for a

long time (5 - 10 min.).

d.) If 1000°C is detected by the exhaust

temperature sensor.

e.) If during regeneration, a fault is detected

on the components relevant for combustion (injection/intake system).



a regeneration is interrupted once started but before it has been 50%

completed, the glow plug lamp flashes on the next engine start (cold or

hot) and regeneration begins again once the operating conditions (see 3)

have been fulfilled.


Question: How long does complete

regeneration take? a.) In the most favourable case? b.) In the least

favourable case?


Answer: a.) Under constant conditions, i.e.

the exhaust temperature necessary for regeneration always lies above the

required value, for example during motorway/cross-country driving, the

average regeneration time is 10 minutes.


b.) Vehicle

conditions such as long down-hill descents, frequent driving in the

low-load range (city driving, idling) allow the exhaust temperature to

fall. If the conditions for triggering regeneration were fulfilled, the

active regeneration time can be extended up to 25 minutes (depending on

engine type). If complete regeneration is not possible within this

period, the regeneration will be interrupted.



How does regeneration affect the oil life?


Answer: On each

regeneration or attempted regeneration, a certain diesel fuel amount is

injected into the engine oil which reduces the oil life. If the "INSP"

light in the instrument cluster comes on, the engine oil is exhausted

and must be changed. Failure to do so could damage the engine.

  • Thanks 1

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Xman- tvoj afr je 15,tako da se ne cudi sto cesce regenerira,kod orginal dizela se afr vrti oko 20-22 a kod cipanih oko 18-19.

Da nemas dpf-a u ovim uvjetima auto bi ti dimio kao vecina onih jako nasviranih na SR-u

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Pa regeneraciju možeš pokrenut preko dijagnostike isto tako i vidjet postotak napunjenosti dpf-a.

Ja bi to na tvom mjestun napravio.

Jer pitaj boga dal ti se ikad regeneracija uspješno napravila.

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s obzirom da je remapiran onda je ovo ok.... Da je senzor ijedan... palilo bi gresku.... Mozes vidit kolika je zasicenost filtera?

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@Mouse -na ovo mislis?


"The ECU will trigger a regeneration process, if for some reason this is aborted, ie. customer slows down, stops etc, the process will be resumed when regeneration conditions are once again met, above 60km/h (38mph). This will continue for 15 minutes."

s obzirom da je remapiran onda je ovo ok.... Da je senzor ijedan... palilo bi gresku.... Mozes vidit kolika je zasicenost filtera?


Ako se vidi preko vcds, kao sto pisete, budem pogledao pa cu napisati.

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dobri vcds to moze... a postoji i podatak zadnje regen. temperature prije iza itd itd.... a tako ga mozes i prisilno regenerirat ;)


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Vidim da se misljenja razilaze,ja sam naveo kakvo je moje iskustvo i kod mene ne prekida regeneraciju,prekida ju jedino ako ugasim auto,to sam u 17tkm koliko je kod mene napravio 2 puta i nakon toga ju odma na paljenje i postizanje oko 70kmh ponavlja,inace u normalnom rezimu voznje s posla na posao(20km u jednom smjeru)pocme raditi nakon 15-ak km i traje nekih 10-15 min,nekad se odem provozat nakon dolaska doma a nekad ga ostavim u leru da odradi svoje...

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nije isto na prvom mk6 i na 6c itd tako da ima vise shema...

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Na stranim forumima se zale na preucestalu regeneraciju na polu 6c,meni isto cesto regenerira ali gotovo uvijek ima idealne uvjete,lampicu nije nikad zapalio,pa pretpostavljam da ne grijesim,s uljem isto nisam imao problema i u 15000km je bio na max kako je i uliveno...

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